Julie Bird Julie Bird

Preparing for Kambo: Navigating the Pre-Purge Phase

Preparing for Kambo: Navigating the Pre-Purge Phase

So, you've taken the bold step of booking a Kambo session. Congratulations! But as the date draws near, you may find yourself experiencing a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. Don't worry; this is entirely normal. What you're going through is known as the pre-purge phase—a preparation period before your Kambo ceremony. In this blog post, we'll explore the pre-purge and share some tips on navigating this unique and transformative stage.

Understanding the Pre-Purge

The pre-purge is like a warm-up before the main event. It's when your mind, body, and spirit start shedding the layers that no longer serve you. You've committed to embark on this Kambo journey, and now your system is responding, gearing up for the healing and transformation that lies ahead.

Emotional Rollercoaster:

During the pre-purge, you may experience a rollercoaster of emotions. One moment, you might feel excited and proud of yourself for taking this courageous step. But then, doubts and fears may start creeping in, making you question your readiness for Kambo. You might even contemplate canceling or finding excuses not to continue. Don’t worry, and this is a natural part of the process.

Embrace the Unknown:

Stepping into the unknown can be intimidating. Your mind wants to keep you safe within your comfort zone. But remember, growth happens when we step outside of that zone. Kambo offers you an opportunity for deep healing and personal development, so it's normal to have some resistance before diving in. Embrace the unknown and trust that this journey is calling you for a reason.

Navigating the Pre-Purge:

Now that you know what to expect, let's discuss some tips for navigating the pre-purge phase:

  1. Self-Reflection and Intention Setting: Reflect on why you chose Kambo and set clear intentions for your journey. What do you hope to release, heal, or gain from this experience? Setting preferences helps focus your energy and aligns you with the healing potential of Kambo.

  2. Gentle Self-Care: During the pre-purge, be kind to yourself. Engage in activities that nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Practice self-care rituals like taking soothing baths, meditating, spending time in nature, or journaling. These practices will help you stay grounded and centered amidst the emotional ups and downs.

  3. Seek Support: Reach out to others who have experienced or are knowledgeable about Kambo. Seek support from friends, family, or Kambo practitioners who can provide guidance, reassurance and answer any questions you may have. Surrounding yourself with a supportive community can make a significant difference during the pre-purge and beyond.

  4. Trust the Process: Trust that the Kambo journey is designed to support your healing and growth. Remember that the discomfort you may feel during the pre-purge is temporary and part of the transformative process. Stay open to the lessons and insights that Kambo can offer.


    The pre-purge phase is a crucial part of preparing for your Kambo ceremony. It's normal to experience a range of emotions and thoughts during this time. Embrace the unknown, set clear intentions, practice self-care, and seek support from a community that understands your journey. Trust in the process and allow Kambo to guide you on deep healing and transformation. You've got this!


Gomez, O. (2016, September 12). Welcome to the Pre-purge. Rain Forest Healing. Retrieved June 15, 2023, from https://rainforesthealingcenter.com/2016/pre-purge/

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Julie Bird Julie Bird

The Healing Power of Kambo: Revealing Its Purpose, Benefits, Legal Status, and Cost

Revealing the Purpose Benfits Legal Status and Cost.

In recent years, alternative healing methods have gained significant attention, and one such practice is the administration of kambo. Derived from the secretions of a tree frog native to the Amazon rainforest, kambo has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes for its potential therapeutic properties. In this blog post, we will explore the purpose of kambo, its benefits, its legality in the United States, and the average cost of a kambo treatment.


  1. The Purpose of Kambo: Kambo, also known as "frog medicine," is traditionally used by indigenous tribes for various purposes. The primary intention behind kambo treatment is to cleanse and purify the body, mind, and spirit. It is believed to have a profound detoxifying effect on the body, removing toxins and negative energies. Additionally, kambo enhances physical and mental strength, improves focus and clarity, and boosts overall well-being.

  2. Benefits of Kambo Treatment: While scientific research on kambo is limited, anecdotal evidence suggests various potential benefits of its use. Some of the reported benefits of kambo treatment include:

a. Detoxification: Kambo is believed to support the removal of toxins from the body, potentially improving overall health and well-being.

b. Enhanced Immune System: The bioactive peptides found in kambo are thought to stimulate the immune system, leading to increased resilience against illnesses.

c. Mental and Emotional Clarity: Many individuals claim that kambo helps them achieve mental clarity, heightened focus, and emotional balance.

d. Pain Relief: Kambo may have analgesic properties and has been used by some to alleviate chronic pain conditions.

e. Spiritual and Energetic Cleansing: Kambo ceremonies are often considered sacred rituals, offering participants a spiritual experience and the opportunity to release negative energies.

  1. Legal Status of Kambo in the USA: The legal status of kambo varies across different countries and states. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, kambo was not specifically listed as a controlled substance in the United States. However, it is essential to note that legal statuses can change over time, and regulations may differ from state to state. So, you should consult local authorities or legal professionals to get the most up-to-date information on kambo's legal status in your area.

  2. Cost of Kambo Treatment: Kambo treatments can vary depending on several factors, including location, practitioner experience, and the session format (individual or group). On average, a single kambo session in the United States can range from $100 to $300. It is crucial to remember that the cost of the treatment should not be the sole determining factor in choosing a practitioner; it is essential to prioritize the facilitator's qualifications, reputation, and safety measures.

Kambo treatment continues to intrigue individuals seeking alternative approaches to healing and well-being. While the purpose of kambo is to cleanse and purify the body, mind, and spirit, its potential benefits span a wide range, from detoxification to enhanced mental clarity. As for its legal status, kambo's legality in the United States may vary from state to state, so it is crucial to research and comply with local regulations. Lastly, the cost of a kambo treatment can fluctuate based on various factors, but it is essential to prioritize the safety and expertise of the practitioner above the price.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. If you are considering kambo treatment, consulting with a qualified healthcare professional or experienced kambo practitioner is best.



Junior VH, Martins IA. KAMBÔ: an Amazonian enigma. J Venom Res. 2020 May 26;10:13-17. PMID: 32566126; PMCID: PMC7284396.

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Julie Bird Julie Bird

Unveiling the Path to Healing Trauma with Plant and Earth Medicines

Unveiling the Path to Healing Trauma with Plant and Earth Medicines

Healing from trauma is a deeply personal and transformative journey. While traditional therapeutic approaches have their place, exploring the realm of plant and earth medicines can offer profound healing experiences. Drawing upon ancient wisdom and the power of nature, these medicines provide a unique path to healing trauma at its core. In this blog post, we will explore the potential of plant and earth medicines in supporting individuals on their journey toward healing and wholeness.

  1. Reconnecting with Nature's Nurturing Essence: Plant and earth medicines bridge humans and the natural world, allowing individuals to tap into nature's inherent wisdom and healing properties. By immersing oneself in natural environments and engaging with medicinal plants, individuals can experience a deep sense of connection, grounding, and solace. Nature becomes a nurturing space that supports the healing process, providing comfort and facilitating inner transformation.

  2. Plant Medicines as Catalysts for Emotional Release: Various plant medicines, such as Kambo, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin mushrooms, and San Pedro, have shown promise in facilitating emotional release and healing trauma. These powerful substances can help individuals access deeply buried emotions and memories, allowing them to be acknowledged, processed, and ultimately released. Through guided experiences and intentional integration, individuals can gain insights, find resolution, and experience profound shifts in their emotional well-being.

  3. Rewiring Neural Pathways and Nervous System Regulation: Traumatic experiences can significantly impact the brain and nervous system, leading to dysregulation and ongoing distress. Plant and earth medicines have the potential to facilitate the rewiring of neural pathways and support the regulation of the nervous system. Substances like MDMA (commonly known as "ecstasy" or "Molly") have shown promise in assisting individuals with PTSD by promoting a sense of safety, trust, and connection and facilitating the processing of traumatic memories.

  4. Spiritual Awakening and Transcendence: Plant and earth medicines have long facilitated spiritual experiences and awakening. Through altered states of consciousness, individuals may gain profound insights, access expanded forms of awareness, and connect with a higher spiritual essence. These experiences can offer individuals a broader perspective, a sense of interconnectedness, and a newfound understanding of their place in the world. Spiritual awakening can be a powerful catalyst for healing trauma and cultivating a sense of purpose and meaning in life.

  5. Integration and Holistic Support: Integration is crucial to working with plant and earth medicines for trauma healing. The integration process involves incorporating the insights, emotions, and experiences gained during plant medicine journeys into daily life. Seeking support from trained facilitators, therapists, or integration coaches can provide individuals with guidance, tools, and resources to integrate these transformative experiences, supporting lasting healing and growth.

Healing trauma with plant and earth medicines offers a unique and powerful approach to addressing the deep wounds carried within. Individuals can embark on a transformative journey toward healing and wholeness by reconnecting with nature, accessing emotional release, rewiring neural pathways, experiencing spiritual awakening, and embracing a holistic integration process. It is essential to approach these medicines with respect, under the guidance of experienced practitioners and therapists, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for the healing process. If you are ready to embark on this path, may the wisdom and healing power of plant and earth medicines guide you toward profound transformation and inner liberation.


De la Salle, S., Davis, D. D., Gran-Ruaz, S., Davis, A. K., & Williams, M. T. (2022). Acute and enduring effects of psychedelic use among Indigenous peoples in Canada and the United States. Canadian Psychology. Advanced online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/cap0000338

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